Charitable Work and Projects
We support local programs and charities with financial donations and in-kind work. All money given as donations is raised by members at different fundraisers. We have three Pie and Ice Cream socials each year. We have two craft bazaars (all items sold are made by or assembled by our members). We usually do two dinners a year (one for our Scholarship Fund and one for specific causes or organization).
Examples of non-profit organizations we supported financially in the past:
- South Lincoln Resources – Food Baskets
- South Lincoln Resources – Emergency Fund
- Waldport Food Pantry
- Lincoln County Animal Shelter Medical Fund
- Yachats Youth & Family Activities Program
- Yachats Ambulance Fund
- Yachats Lions Club
- Lincoln County Children Advocacy Center
- My Sister’s place
- Yachats Fireworks Fund
We give a Scholarships through Oregon Coast Community College Foundation to students registered in the OCCC Nursing Program.
Other projects that have done in the past few years:
- We made 13 quilts for the Peace Harbor Hospital guest house in Eugene.
- We make lap quilts for the Children Advocacy Center.
- We make tote bags filled with personal care products for the mothers in residence at My Sister’s Place.
- We made holiday gift baskets for the kids in residence at My Sister’s Place (Easter and Christmas).
- We have made neck pillows and clothing protectors for the residents of Sea Aire Assisted Living.
- We collect food for the Waldport and Yachats Food Pantries.
- We collected grocery sales receipts from Ray’s Market and C&K Market and give then to the Waldport Food Pantry. (They used the money from Ray’s to pay their utilities.)
- We made lap quilts for the participants at a Kiwanis Burn Camp.
- We make and sell gift baskets and library book bags for participants in the Yachats Library Summer Reading program.
Other annual events we participate in or support:
- We have a booth and sell crafts and Scholarship quilt raffle tickets at two Crafts-on-the-Coast Craft Fairs.
- Working in conjunction with the Yachats Lions Club we bake and distribute boxes of cookies to businesses, offices, and individuals around town in celebration of Random Acts of Kindness.
- We host the Sweet Adelines concert at the clubhouse in early December every year as part of the Opening of Yachats Winter Celebration.
- We provide cookies for the Yachats Area Chamber of Commerce who host an open house one weekend a year in December at the Heceta Head Lighthouse.
- We provide cookies for the annual Yachats Winter Solstices bonfire.